Classic Bakery, Inc. | Tysons Corner VA | Gaithersburg, MD | Olney, MD
“From grandfather, to father, to son, that’s three generations of the finest ingredients and if we wouldn’t eat it at our family table, we wouldn’t serve it to yours.”
- Areen, Classic Bakery
If you don’t mistake Areen and his wife for a couple of models, you will quickly learn that their beauty is only matched by their integrity. This client was a referral from a friend, and it was the greatest gift. Areen inherited a bakery that looked like it was still 1991 when his grandfather opened it, but he was entirely too savvy to let that be. So he hired us. We rebranded the company, and designed two new locations for him, as well as all of their packaging. Now, I am on the holiday card list. That’s when you know you have made it.