Exploring the World of Tarot: A Comprehensive Beginner’s Guide

Are you curious about tarot cards and their meanings? Have you ever wanted to learn how to read tarot cards and gain insight into your past, present, and future? If so, you’ve come to the right place! I hope you have purchased the Onyx Tarot Deck , and if you have, you will find this post helpful if you have not used tarot cards before.

This beginner’s guide to tarot cards will provide you with all the information you need to get started. We’ll cover the basics of tarot cards, including the different types of decks, the major and minor arcana, and how to interpret the cards. We’ll also discuss how to use tarot cards for readings, and the different types of spreads you can use to gain insight into your life. So, let’s get started!

A. What is Tarot?

Tarot is an ancient form of divination that uses a deck of 78 cards to gain insight into the past, present, and future. The cards are divided into two distinct categories: the major arcana and the minor arcana. Each card has its own unique meaning, and when combined with other cards, can provide insight into a person’s life. Tarot readings can be used to gain insight into a variety of topics, such as relationships, career, and finances.

I. Introduction to Tarot

Tarot cards are a type of divination tool used to gain insight into the past, present, and future. They are typically composed of 78 cards, divided into two distinct categories: the major arcana and the minor arcana. Each card has its own unique meaning, and when combined with other cards, can provide insight into a person’s life.

II. Types of Tarot Decks

There are many different types of tarot decks available, each with its own unique artwork and symbolism. The most popular decks include the Rider-Waite-Smith deck, the Thoth deck, and the Marseille deck. Each deck has its own unique style and interpretation of the cards, so it’s important to choose one that resonates with you. Our Onyx Tarot deck is designed on the Rider Waite-Smith format so you can easily interpret the cards using that model.

III. Major and Minor Arcana

Major Arcana

The Major Arcana consists of 22 cards, each with its own unique meaning. These cards represent major life events, such as The Fool, The Magician, The High Priestess, and The World. The minor arcana consists of 56 cards, divided into four suits: Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles. Each suit has its own unique meaning, and when combined with other cards, can provide insight into a person’s life.

Minor Arcana

The minor arcana consists of 56 cards, divided into four suits: Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles. Each suit has its own unique meaning, and when combined with other cards, can provide insight into a person’s life. The minor arcana cards can provide insight into more specific topics, such as daily activities, thoughts, and feelings.

V. Tarot Spreads

Tarot spreads are used to gain insight into a specific topic or question. There are many different types of spreads, such as the three-card spread, the Celtic cross, and the Horseshoe spread. Each spread has its own unique interpretation and can provide insight into a variety of topics, such as relationships, career, and finances. There are a ton of tarot spreads you can use; simply look on Pinterest and type in “tarot spreads”, you can use a guide which tells you which position to place the cards in , face down. Then you associate the number of the card position with its meaning in that spread, and refer to your Onyx Tarot Deck Guide Book for the meaning of that card. As you get more proficient with the meanings and fine tune your intuition, you will understand how the cards relate to one another in a reading, and tell a full story.

Onyx Tarot Cards by Sugar Taylor
Onyx Tarot Deck by Sugar Taylor

VI. Reading Time!

Reading tarot cards can be a fun and insightful experience. To begin, it’s important to take some time to meditate and focus on the question or topic you want to explore. Once you’ve done this, you can then begin to shuffle and draw your cards. As you draw each card, take some time to interpret the card’s meaning and how it relates to your question or topic. You can also use tarot spreads to gain more insight into a specific topic or question.

When preparing for a tarot reading, it’s important to create a space that is conducive to relaxation and focus. This will help you to enter a meditative state and gain clarity and insight from the cards. Here are some tips to help you create the perfect environment for your tarot reading:

1. Clear the space: Make sure the area you’re using is free of clutter and distractions.

2. Set the mood: Incense, candles, and soft music can help to create a calming atmosphere.

3. Get comfortable: Sit in a comfortable chair or on the floor with your tarot deck in front of you.

4. Focus your energy: Take a few moments to focus on your breathing and clear your mind of any distractions.

5. Ask your question: Once you’re in a relaxed state, ask the question you want to explore with the tarot cards.

By following these steps, you can create a space that is conducive to gaining insight and clarity from your tarot reading.

Crystals are a great way to enhance your tarot reading experience. Certain crystals can help to open your intuition and provide clarity and insight into the cards. Here are some of the best crystals to have around when doing a tarot reading:

1. Amethyst: Amethyst is a powerful crystal that can help to open your intuition and provide clarity and insight into the cards.

2. Clear Quartz: Clear quartz is a great crystal to have around when doing a tarot reading as it can help to amplify the energy of the cards and provide clarity and insight.

3. Rose Quartz: Rose quartz is a gentle crystal that can help to open your heart and provide insight into relationships and emotions.

4. Citrine: Citrine is a powerful crystal that can help to open your mind and provide insight into career and finances.

5. Selenite: Selenite is a powerful crystal that can help to open your third eye and provide insight into the spiritual realm.

By having these crystals around during your tarot reading, you can help to open your intuition and gain clarity and insight into the cards.

Here are some good first questions to ask when you first start reading:

1. What do I need to know about my current situation?

2. What can I do to improve my current circumstances?

3. What is the best course of action for me to take?

4. What do I need to be aware of in the near future?

5. What can I do to manifest my goals and dreams?

6. What do I need to learn from my past experiences?

7. What is the best way to move forward in my life?

8. What is the best way to handle a difficult situation?

9. What do I need to focus on to achieve success?

10. What can I do to improve my relationships?

VII. Resources

If you’re just getting started with tarot, there are a ton of resources available to help you learn more about the cards, their meanings, and how to interpret them. Here are some great resources to get you started:

The Onyx Tarot Deck Guide Book – This book provides detailed interpretations of each card in the Onyx Tarot Deck, as well as advice on how to use the cards in readings.

  • Biddy Tarot is an online platform with a vast amount of knowledge

Tarot 101 – This book provides an in-depth look at the history of tarot, as well as how to interpret the cards and use them in readings.

Tarot for Beginners – This book provides a comprehensive overview of tarot, from the basics of the cards and their meanings, to more advanced topics such as spreads and interpretation.

Tarot YouTube Channels – There are a ton of great YouTube channels that provide tutorials and advice on how to read tarot cards. Some of our favorites include Tarot with Toni, Tarot by Cecelia, and Tarot with Tash.

No matter what resources you use, the most important thing is to practice and develop your own intuition. With time and practice, you’ll be able to interpret the cards and gain insight into your life. Happy and blessed reading!!


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